# The 2024 [FIRST®](https://firstinspires.org) Tech Challenge robot competition WeRobot code ## Requirements Work only with Rev Robotics Control Hub designed for [FIRST®](https://firstinspires.org) Tech Challenge competitions ## How To use? Download the code and use it... ## How To Use the FTC2024WeRobotControl tool? In your robot code import the class, then in the runOpMode function of your robot code create instance of the FTC2024WeRobotControl (e.g. `FTC2024WeRobotControl robot = new FTC2024WeRobotControl()`) then you can use this instance to move the robot. E.G. ```java double speed_for_motors = 1.0; double number_or_tiles = 3.0; double angle_to_rotate = 50; // in degrees FTC2024WeRobotControl robot = new FTC2024WeRobotControl() robot.forward(number_or_tiles, speed_for_motors); robot.rotate(angle_to_rotate, speed_for_motors); ``` Read the FTC2024WeRobotControl.java file to get complete docs. ## CarLike Controls: monter élévateur: dpad\_up baisser élévateur: dpad\_down moissoneuse: b moissoneuse reverse: b + right\_bumber déplacement: left\_joystick jkdssdhdssdf