2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
import discord
import aiosqlite
from discord . ext import commands
from discord import app_commands
import logging
import sys
from public_env import *
from GammaRPBot_Define import GammaRPBot
2024-12-15 16:21:01 +01:00
import base64
2024-12-16 23:00:10 +01:00
import aiohttp
2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
formatter = discord . utils . _ColourFormatter ( )
handler = logging . StreamHandler ( sys . stdout )
handler . setFormatter ( formatter )
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . INFO , handlers = [ handler ] )
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
2024-12-17 11:05:55 +01:00
# _sql_table="""CREATE TABLE personnages (
# nom_court varchar(255),
# nom_complet text,
# image text,
# histoire text,
# pouvoirs text,
# uuid TEXT,
# age INTEGER,
# sexe TEXT,
# guild_id INTEGER NULL
# )"""
2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
intents = discord . Intents . all ( )
bot = GammaRPBot ( intents )
async def on_ready ( ) :
bot . db = await aiosqlite . connect ( " main.db " )
2024-12-15 16:03:54 +01:00
bot . db . row_factory = aiosqlite . Row
2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
await bot . load_extension ( " perso_commands " )
2024-12-17 11:05:55 +01:00
await bot . load_extension ( " money_commands " )
2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
await bot . tree . sync ( )
print ( f " Logged in as { bot . user } " )
2024-12-15 15:45:33 +01:00
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
2024-12-15 16:27:10 +01:00
async def on_message ( message : discord . Message ) :
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
if message . author . bot :
if message . content . startswith ( " g! " ) :
2024-12-15 16:03:54 +01:00
if len ( message . content . split ( " " ) ) < 2 :
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
short_name = message . content . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] [ 2 : ]
uuid = message . author . id
guild_id = message . guild . id
2024-12-15 17:02:05 +01:00
message_str = message . content [ message . content . index ( " " ) + 1 : ]
2024-12-15 16:27:10 +01:00
if await say_message ( uuid , guild_id , short_name , message_str , message . channel ) :
2024-12-15 17:02:05 +01:00
await message . delete ( )
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
2024-12-15 15:53:28 +01:00
@bot.tree.command ( name = " s " , description = " Envoyer un message en tant que personnage " )
2024-12-15 17:06:01 +01:00
@app_commands.user_install ( )
@app_commands.describe ( id = " Le nom court du personnage " , message = " Le message à envoyer " )
@app_commands.allowed_contexts ( guilds = True , dms = True , private_channels = True )
2024-12-15 17:06:24 +01:00
@app_commands.allowed_installs ( guilds = True , users = True )
2024-12-15 15:45:33 +01:00
async def say ( interaction : discord . Interaction , id : str , message : str ) :
2024-12-15 17:20:10 +01:00
if not await say_message ( interaction . user . id , ( interaction . guild . id if interaction . guild is not None else - 1 ) , id , message , interaction . channel , interaction . response ) :
2024-12-15 16:14:58 +01:00
print ( " ok9 " )
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
await interaction . response . send_message ( " Vous n ' avez pas ce personnage " , ephemeral = True )
2024-12-15 16:14:58 +01:00
print ( " ok10 " )
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
await interaction . response . send_message ( " Message envoyé " , ephemeral = True )
2024-12-15 17:20:10 +01:00
async def say_message ( userid : int , guildid : int , shortname : str , message : str , channel : discord . TextChannel , interaction_res : discord . InteractionResponse = None ) :
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("HELLOWORODL")
# print(userid,guildid,shortname,message,channel)
2024-12-15 15:55:52 +01:00
res = await bot . db . execute ( " SELECT * FROM personnages WHERE uuid=? AND (guild_id=? OR guild_id IS NULL) AND nom_court=? " , ( userid , guildid , shortname ) )
2024-12-15 15:45:33 +01:00
row = await res . fetchone ( )
await res . close ( )
if row is None :
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
return False
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok")
2024-12-15 16:09:47 +01:00
short_name = row [ " nom_court " ]
full_name = row [ " nom_complet " ]
2024-12-15 16:49:32 +01:00
perso_image = row [ " image " ]
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print(short_name,full_name,perso_image)
2024-12-15 15:45:33 +01:00
webhook = None
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok2")
2024-12-17 11:22:56 +01:00
# print(channel.guild)
2024-12-15 17:43:01 +01:00
if interaction_res is not None and ( channel . guild is None or bot . user . id not in [ m . id for m in channel . guild . members ] or not channel . permissions_for ( channel . guild . me ) . manage_webhooks ) :
2024-12-15 17:20:10 +01:00
await interaction_res . send_message ( f " ** { full_name } ( { short_name } )**: { message } " )
2024-12-15 17:13:38 +01:00
2024-12-15 15:59:59 +01:00
if discord . utils . get ( await channel . webhooks ( ) , name = short_name ) is None :
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok3");
2024-12-15 16:49:32 +01:00
webhook = await channel . create_webhook ( name = short_name )
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok4")
2024-12-15 15:45:33 +01:00
else :
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok5")
2024-12-15 17:00:50 +01:00
webhook = discord . utils . get ( await channel . webhooks ( ) , name = short_name )
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok6")
# print("ok7")
2024-12-15 17:00:50 +01:00
await webhook . send ( message , username = full_name , avatar_url = perso_image )
2024-12-15 16:23:20 +01:00
# print("ok8")
2024-12-15 15:51:13 +01:00
return True
2024-12-16 23:00:10 +01:00
# @bot.tree.command(name="ai",description="Envoyer un message par IA en tant que personnage (attention mémoire allant jusqu'a 100 messages max)")
# @app_commands.user_install()
# @app_commands.describe(id="Le nom court du personnage",prompt="La prompt pour le message de l'IA")
# @app_commands.allowed_contexts(guilds=True,dms=True,private_channels=True)
# @app_commands.allowed_installs(guilds=True,users=True)
# async def say_ai(interaction:discord.Interaction,id:str,prompt:str=""):
# if not await say_message(interaction.user.id,(interaction.guild.id if interaction.guild is not None else -1),id,prompt,interaction.channel,interaction.response):
# print("ok9")
# await interaction.response.send_message("Vous n'avez pas ce personnage",ephemeral=True)
# return
# print("ok10")
# await interaction.response.send_message("Message envoyé",ephemeral=True)
# async def say_message_ai(userid:int,guildid:int,shortname:str,channel:discord.TextChannel,interaction_res:discord.InteractionResponse=None, prompt:str=""):
# messages = await channel.history(limit=100).flatten()
# #gemini request using gemini_token
# super_payload = {
# "contents":[
# {
# "role":"user",
# "parts":[{
# "text":"Hello"
# }]
# }
# ]
# }
# res_message=use_gemini(payload=super_payload)
# say_message(userid,guildid,shortname,res_message,channel,interaction_res)
# return True
# async def use_gemini(payload):
# url = "https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/models/gemini-1.5-flash:generateContent?key="+gemini_token
# headers={
# "Content-Type":"application/json"
# }
# async with aiohttp.ClientSession().post(url,headers=headers,json=payload) as response:
# result = await response.json()
# print(result)
# try:
# content = result['candidates'][0]['content']['parts'][0]['text']
# return content
# except (KeyError, IndexError) as e:
# # Log the error and response for debugging
# print(f"Error parsing response: {e}")
# print(f"Unexpected response format: {result}")
# return "Error: Unexpected response format"
2024-12-15 14:59:41 +01:00
bot . run ( bot_token )